
It is a free, open-source social network.

A decentralized alternative to commercial platforms, it avoids the risks of a single company monopolizing your communication.

Simple and cute cover
Never miss a notification
Rich timeline with media display
Media upload and spoiler toots

Key Features

See what’s happening in the world right now. From breaking news and entertainment, sports and politics, to big events and everyday interests.


Click on some tweet and view a complete conversation. Easy, convenient and simple.

Video Support

Embed videos are playable inside app.

Gestures, gestures, gestures

View an image, zoom it, scale it, save it. Just use standard gestures and enjoy.

Actively maintained

It is maintained as open source on Github, and we are always looking for developers and testers.

500+ installs, 43 likes

Customer feedback help us to understand what features to add, what features to get rid of.

Created for Sailfish OS

It offers a true independent alternative to the existing mobile operating systems.

Reading mode for Articles
Save up on your data plan
Username prediction while typing
Simple user search